Seven steps from the top to the bottom of a waterfall

One of my earliest pieces and among the first that I composed after moving to Paris...

PROGRAMME NOTE: The pendular nature of flowing water: water naturally never flows straight, but always side-to- side. The incessant changes in the shape of a drop of water falling through space: trying and invariably failing to form a perfect sphere. The rupture of the surface, and its stubborn reformation... these notions were in my thoughts in deciding how to structure the musical material, and how to create a logic and direction in the work as a whole.

NOTE DE PROGRAMME: Le qualité pendulaire de l’eau qui coule ; les changements incessants en forme d’une goutte d’eau qui tombe en espace, qui essaie mais qui échoue inévitablement à former une sphère parfaite ; la rupture de la surface, et sa reformation têtue... c’est avec ces principes en tête que j’ai structuré cette œuvre et essayé d’y créer une direction et une cohérence globale.